
The Homeopathy & CancerĀ  Series


withĀ Robin Murphy

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The Homeopathy & Cancer Series

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Cancer is one of the most destructive diseases known to man and treatments often leave patients feeling exhausted, nauseous and generally worse than before they started treatment. Because of this cancer patients often turn to homeopaths to help them alongside their conventional cancer care.

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In Dr Murphy’s view, homeopathy, bioenergetics remedies/therapies, superfoods and detox therapy offer viable options to help prevent disease and support patients undergoing treatments for many serious conditions, including cancer. In addition, understanding the vital force provides helpful insight and natural options which can support people suffering from many chronic conditions.

He believes the precursors to a cancerous condition are often multiple and can include emotional shocks, toxins, drugs, trauma, radiation and severe stress. In some cases, the cause is genetic or not known. Aging is another factor in the development and treatment of the cancer diseases.

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In this three-part series, Dr Murphy will discuss these views and look at some updates and new rubrics from the Homeopathic Clinical Repertory. Along with detox therapy, superfoods, and herbal tonics, he will discuss bioenergetic therapies for increasing vital energy. He will review the impact of electro-magnetic fields, radiation and environmental toxins on the body.

This Course Includes: 


Homeopathy, Detox & Cancer

Homeopathy & Cancer
Homeopathic Cancer Repertory
Homeopathic Cancer Materia Medica
Vital Force & Detox Therapies
Superfoods & Herbal Tonics

Homeopathy & Breast Cancer

Homeopathy and Breast Cancer
Homeopathic Breast Cancer Repertory
Homeopathic Breast Cancer Materia Medica
Vital Force and Detox Therapies for Breast Cancer
Superfoods and Herbal Tonics for Breast Cancer

Bioenergetics & Cancer

Bioenergetics Elements
Oxygen Facts and Functions
Homeopathic Oxygenium
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
Oxygen water therapy

This course is accredited by ACHENA

ACHENA is The Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America.

Achena accredited homeopathy CPD course

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Learn From a Leading Homeopathy Expert

Dr Robin Murphy ND is a naturopathic and homeopathic physician who has been teaching and practicing Homeopathy, Natural Medicine, Tai Chi, and Qigong for over 30 years. Dr Murphy is an internationally recognized author, researcher, and lecturer on Homeopathy, Herbs, and Medical Qigong. He wrote the Homeopathic Clinical Repertory and Nature’s Materia Medica. He is the director of the Lotus Health Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Dr Robin Murphy homeopath and course lecturer

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